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Risk: Global Domination (9/4/12)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:26 pm
by Mytho


By some act of God, we were all able to join a game without one of us either freezing or disconnecting. For all the headaches this game caused, it was actually a ton of fun to play. A nice feature of this game is that you can enable bots to fill empty positions. I didn't know what exactly I was doing initially, but the game is pretty easy to figure out. Some interface cues would have been helpful though.

Our game lasted several hours, as the tide would unpredictably turn in any player's favor. I managed to hold on to Australia and much of Asia. Nosferatu kept egging FreddY on to attack me, but thankfully, FreddY showed me a modicum of mercy. FreddY, however, spread his army too thin during his conquest to Argentina, and was the first player to taste bitter defeat. Nosferatu was mounting an offensive against me in Asia, but unfortunately, his game froze right before his attempted invasion.

I was the only remaining human player left, but since this was the first time I've played Risk in years, didn't realize that capturing territories is vital to acquiring Risk cards. The Risk cards are essential to winning, as trading in 3 cards can net you a large number of reinforcements. One of computer players, Clive, secured a large amount of Risk cards from conquering Europe. I was unable to defend against his onslaught, as my footholds in Australia and Africa perished. The smug bastard was smiling the entire time he crushed my army! :lol:

Once you get past all the bugs and annoyances, this game really shines. It's a great, unique online experience that really offers something interesting. The only downside is that a single game of Risk can last several hours, but there are variants within the game that are suitable for shorter games.

Re: Risk: Global Domination (9/4/12)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:06 am
by lazyhoboguy
Need to try this with you guys.