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Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:52 pm
by Benz
Hi im benz and im new to ps2, i have tunneled original xbox on xlink and XBC successfully (i know thats XBC is not for PS2)
But now i want to try it with the PS2! i got a PS2 from my dad for some weeks ago when he was on an auction.
Before i was a playstation hater but i have started to love it more and more!
This is the games i got now (some have i borrowed) Star Wars Force Unleashed, Tony Hawk Proskater 4,Tony Hawk Proving ground, Gta SanAndreas, Gta Vice City, Call of Duty World at war final fronts,Goblin Commander, Project Snowblind (thats a great game)and Shaun Palmers snowboarding. and i also got 2 controllers for it.
But one of them dosnt work to well.
But i use my ps1 controll sometimes ;)
Well this was my introducion, TAKE CARE everyone! :D

Re: Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:38 am
by chak88
Benz wrote:Hi im benz and im new to ps2, i have tunneled original xbox on xlink and XBC successfully (i know thats XBC is not for PS2)
But now i want to try it with the PS2! i got a PS2 from my dad for some weeks ago when he was on an auction.
Before i was a playstation hater but i have started to love it more and more!
This is the games i got now (some have i borrowed) Star Wars Force Unleashed, Tony Hawk Proskater 4,Tony Hawk Proving ground, Gta SanAndreas, Gta Vice City, Call of Duty World at war final fronts,Goblin Commander, Project Snowblind (thats a great game)and Shaun Palmers snowboarding. and i also got 2 controllers for it.
But one of them dosnt work to well.
But i use my ps1 controll sometimes ;)
Well this was my introducion, TAKE CARE everyone! :D
welcome to the forum hope you have fun playing online I have a lot xlink capable games so pm if you want to play one sometime

Re: Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:36 am
by teamR@@K!E
i never got into the gay box or Xbox but glad you gave ps2 a try... about damn time :roll:
welcome all the same

if you ever come across a game that is only for the ps2

give tribes aa a try

tribes was also a pc game... back in the day

but there was only one release for a console and now you own that console
the game might be too expensive for you, like under 10 American dollars and the learning curve is "HUGE"
but i would love another online player to join in the chaos

all in all, welcome
look to the after game posts to see the games that people here still care about playing

Re: Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:47 pm
by Benz
Thanks everyone! :D yeah i know that tribes is a pc game from ground(i have played it)
Sadly i got no Internet adapter for my ps2 now, but i will try to get one! btw i got a FAT ps2.
You guys can feel free to add me on skype if you wanna talk :D or play something kungen438.
Peace! and take care!

Re: Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:42 am
by teamR@@K!E
well that's a bitch

hope the ps2 didn't cost too much with out the net work adapter and since it seems ps2 games are becoming more and more hard to come by, the adapter might even be harder to get now

especially since it's built into the slim ps2
but hey, if you're going through the process of getting the adapter then check around for tribes and try to get the manual with it

Re: Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:54 pm
by Benz
It didnt cost so much.
It was actually really cheap :D

Re: Hi PS2 gamers!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:42 am
by teamR@@K!E
Benz, it's funny and sad that you're here
because you don't have the adapter

i remember another new gamer here that just talked about games he kept buying because game stop was not carrying ps2 games

but he either didn't have a ps2 or no adapter, he just wanted to stock pile

i thought that was cool but he never played online and is no longer around
just a bunch of talk

i wish you good luck in finding an adapter and if the price of the adapter is a little high, then go check out the price of a slim ps2