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Has DNAS Shut Down?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:16 pm
by TheMrIron2
Hey all, I've never used the PS2 online due to a lack of convenient way of connecting (I will have a way in a week but DNAS will likely be dead by then). I had a look around and despite people saying DNAS would shut down by today, I've seen nothing, which leads me to believe it's still up (surely people would mention it if it shut down). I would also be a bit sceptical about the shutdown because the PSP still uses it for all its features unless I'm wrong, and people are trying to get more players online than there has been in ages to prove to Sony it's still active.

So have the servers shut down? I'm very curious to know.

Edit: It's not shut down yet and there's a status topic, so this is basically useless