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Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:58 pm
by Biff
I was curious as to how many of you played Jungle Storm online and your online names you used. I played Jungle Storm from May 2004 until it went offline on Dec. 31st, 2011. I had many names, but my usual name Biff or Roadrage. My brother also played. His main two names were Thor and Knee-caps. We mainly played Last Man Standing, but we did play co-op once in awhile.

Re: Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:15 pm
by Awesom3B
I've played it a few times. I used the name Awesom3B

Re: Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:07 am
by Biff
What people need to do is write to UBI about turning the servers back on for Jungle Storm To do this click the link I supplied. It will ask you to log-in. If you do not have a UBI account you can easily make one and then click the link again to get back to the page for sending a message/suggestion to UBI.

Just ask to have the servers back online. Tell them how much you miss the game and how a large group of your friends want to keep playing it. If you plan on using multiple UBI accounts to send messages then please make sure you use a different IP for each account and message sent. UBI can see the IP addresses of each account. The more people we have send in a message the better chance we have of getting it back online.

Here is the link. All you need to is fill in the drop menu selections it requests and then ask your question. After submitting your question it may ask you to see if another question, asked in the past, solves your problem. Just ignore it and submit your question. It will take a day or two for the UBI rep to reply. They don't reply on weekends

Let me know if you have any trouble. Pass the word to anyone else you many know that loved this game.

Re: Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:04 am
by lazyhoboguy
I think there is pretty much no chance that ubisoft will bring back this game online. They changed their forum and site around, and then all the ps2 ubisoft games went offline. I think their new system is incompatible with the old ps2 games and they arent going to do any extra work to get them back online. ... f=10&t=883

Re: Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:50 am
by Biff
UBI has taken down the servers about 12+ times since 2004, but each time it was fixed when a group of people called/emailed for it to be put back online. They shut the server down on January 1st of 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008. Also, they have changed their forums around in the past, but each time they put GRJS back online when requested by a number of fans.

If their new system is incompatible then it's hopeless. However, I have talked to customer service in the past, they informed me that they know nothing of the upgraded/modified servers making PS2 games obsolete online.

I am hoping they make this game for PS3 and call it Classic: GRJS. I want the same graphics etc... If that happened it would be compatible with 1080.

Unfortunately, UBI isn't so great with customer satisfaction or knowing when they have screwed up a game. GR2 and the GRAW series were awful. It's sad to think that a game made back in 2004 is far superior than the trash they churn out now for PS3 and XBOX.

I'll keep you updated, but it won't hurt if a large number of people send in a request to have it switched back online.

Re: Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:29 pm
by Mytho
I got GR:JS in the fall of 2004, and played under some variant of 'theMyth0' or 'MYTH0'. I mainly stuck to the co-op modes, as the adversarial modes often had people abuse explosives. This not only destroyed the balance of the game, but also caused unbearable lag/framerate drops. I had to go to other systems to receive an enjoyable adversarial experience in Ghost Recon. The co-op mode, however, was an amazing experience on Jungle Storm.

I'm not holding out any hope that Jungle Storm is coming back this time around. I've heard of the server closures in the past, but none of the other Ubisoft PS2 online titles were shutdown along with Jungle Storm. Even XIII, Ubisoft's oldest PS2 online title from 2003, was kept online during the multiple Jungle Storm closures. Now that every single online Ubisoft title on the PS2 has been shutdown, including XIII, I have little hope that Ubisoft will revive the servers.

Re: Jungle Storm Players

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:18 am
by Biff
Mytho, you should have played in the room I ran, with my brother. We often played bullets only. The explosives that caused lag were the grenade launchers. The rocket launchers didn't really cause much lag, if any. We also had sniper-only matches.

Most likely the server won't be turned on, but no one will know that for sure if we don't try. The more people who send a message the better the odds of them turning it back on, if they can. It's worked in the past.